Thanks to my good friend and neighbour Bill for this joke...
The PM's private jet crashes in the middle of the North Yorkshire moors.
The rescue crew finally get to the smouldering wreckage but can find no bodies, only a farmer ploughing a field a few hundred yards away as if nothing had happened, so a posse of police hurry over to surround the man's tractor.
"Sir," said the top cop, panting and out of breath, "Did you see this terrible accident happen?""
Aye, I did, lad, I did" said the farmer, calmly.
"You do know that was the Prime Minister's 'plane?""
Oh aye, I know, lad."
"Were there any survivors?" the copper snapped.
"Nay lad, they all snuffed it", the farmer sighed, stopping his tractor engine. "I've just done buryin' 'em, tha knows. Took me t'best part of an 'our, an' all ".
"The Prime Minister is DEAD?""
Aye lad. He kep' sayin' 'e wasn't ... but I stopped believing owt 'e said years ago!"